The Intensive Medical Sciences (IMS) program has been helping students matriculate and succeed in medical school since 1981. Among the most established post-bac programs of its kind, the Intensive Medical Sciences is a ‘Special Master’s’ program, where students take medical school equivalent coursework to demonstrate their readiness for the rigor of medical school. The Intensive Medical Sciences program has helped hundreds of students matriculate and succeed in medical schools across the country. Starting in the academic year 2024/25, Drexel University College of Medicine offers qualified Intensive Medical Sciences applicants a conditional acceptance to the MD program.

Located in the new, state-of-the-art Health Science Building on Drexel’s main campus in the heart of Philadelphia’s University City, this accelerated master’s program offers a unique opportunity for individuals interested in immersing themselves in a rigorous academic environment during their growth year and joining Drexel’s College of Medicine. The program begins in mid-August and ends in early May. This allows students who achieve all benchmarks to matriculate into medical school following the Intensive Medical Sciences program completion.

Meet Our Students & Alumni

Samuel Kou, Intensive Medical Sciences

Samuel Kou

"I decided that the Intensive Medical Sciences program was a good fit because it would provide an opportunity to not only show my academic capabilities, but also to work with advisors to ensure my application was the best it could be." Read more.

Wenxin Zhu, Intensive Medical Sciences Program

Wenxin Zhu

"I felt the Intensive Medical Sciences program was the perfect fit for me because it was a one-year program that allowed me to take the same classes as first-year medical students, giving me a better idea of what I can expect and show my growth as a student since my undergraduate studies." Read more.

Patrice Clemenza, Intensive Medical Sciences

Patrice Clemenza

"Throughout high school and college I shadowed different physicians and volunteered at hospitals further solidifying my decision to go into medicine. My volunteer experiences were instrumental in my decision because I enjoyed working together with patients helping solve their problems." Read more.

   I did the Interdepartmental Medical Science program; I was accepted into my first choice medical school with a month left of the year. I was very successful in medical school, receiving the highest research awards for medical students. I then was lucky enough to gain a spot into my top residency choice: emergency medicine at Cook County in Chicago.
I can not thank you enough for the opportunity that Drexel afforded me. That year was very hard, but if I had it over I would do it again because it opened so many doors. After that experience and going through the uncertainty of that time, everything after has been relatively easy.   
Dan McCabe, MD
Emergency Medicine PGY-1, Cook County Hospital (Stroger)